The pandemic crisis has put a halt on so many numismatic happenings that it’s almost easier to count the events that are still on the calendar versus those that have been cancelled. Of course, in this age of social distancing and avoiding the virus, that’s not necessarily a bad thing. But there are many folks who miss hitting the bourse floor for buying and selling numismatic collectibles or simply for connecting on a social level with dealers and other collectors.
The June Whitman Expo in Baltimore has been called off, and many other summer coin shows remain, unofficially, on a to-be-determined basis as the virus plays out in cities across the United States. Yet, several coin clubs are hosting virtual meetings online, and there is even a push to move some coin shows to the internet as well in a digital realm. Meanwhile, auctions that were slated to headline major coin shows, such as the Stack’s Bowers Galleries sale of the Pogue Collection — originally scheduled for the March Whitman Expo — went off without a hitch online.
Collectors who feel isolated and wanting to socialize can also find numismatic camaraderie online via message boards on websites such as Professional Coin Grading Service, CoinTalk, and Coin Community. And don’t forget to “Like” and engage with the COINage Facebook page! We’re posting there all the time and would love to hear your feedback and comments on the articles and other interesting items we share. Who knows? You may just spark up an exciting conversation with other numismatic friends in the comment threads…
Stay healthy!