The American Medallic Sculpture Association (AMSA) is holding a special art medal competition to commemorate the 100th anniversary of women’s suffrage in the United States in 2020.
Call for Medal Entries
The competition is open to paid-up members of AMSA. The winner will receive a $300 prize. All entries will be featured early in 2020 in the AMSA publication and on the AMSA website. Included with each entry will be the specifications, edition sizes, prices, and ordering information, so that medals may be ordered directly from the medalists beginning early in 2020. AMSA asks entrants to indicate this information, along with their mailing address, email and PayPal information.

Submissions for medals to commemorate the 100th anniversary of women’s suffrage in the United States, produced in 2019, should be sent to numismel@aol.com by December 31, 2019. Press releases will be sent out announcing the winner and directing people to all of the entries on the AMSA website.
To join AMSA, or for further information, visit www.amsamedals.org. Dues are $40 within the U.S., $50 elsewhere. Members receive a quarterly, full-color publication detailing recent and upcoming events, galleries, conferences, and more. Medals created by members are featured on the AMSA website.
Also, to learn more about medallic art creation, we recommend watching the four-part documentary “The Medal Maker.” Links to each segment of the series can be found in the education section of the AMSA website. The video, which was commissioned for the Medallic Art Company in 1929 and re-introduced in the late 1990s, contains footage of a film about the medallic art process.
Enjoy Part 1 of the series…