By Antoinette Rahn
As you’ve heard, read, and seen this past month, these are unique, unfamiliar, and uncertain times. It’s not easy to make sense of it all, to remain calm and hopeful, in light of the COVID-19 pandemic, yet, as you may have seen on television and the internet, on our website; there are various ways people are striving to ‘make the most of today.’
That’s why we thought we would share a few ideas readers have mentioned, contributors have discussed, and we’ve discovered in our ongoing search for stimulating activities within the hobby. These recommendations, which we talk about in twice weekly blog posts on our site, center on numismatic-related experiences to explore virtually and simply from the comfort of home. These posts feature museum tours, digital resources, and videos, among other items.
In case you are worried that our suggestions might include recording your family conducting a quarantine dance-off, or binge-watching one of the many streaming programs that seem to be popular, please know, our recommendations are coins, currency, and history related.
American Numismatic Association’s Interactive Resources
Website: https://www.money.org/tools#videos
This section of the ANA site is rich with opportunities to discover, learn, and be entertained. Among our favorites is the Money Museum Online Collection, the Legacy Series, Tales from the Vault, as well as the Numismatic Quizzes.
Newman Numismatic Portal
Website: https://nnp.wustl.edu
This online resource is a tremendous archive of numismatic information and inspiration. The Portal more than meets its goal of extending esteemed numismatist Eric P. Newman’s “legacy of scholarly research.” It is unprecedented access to expert information about hundreds of topics within the numismatic community. The video archive will leave you in awe!
United States Mint’s YouTube Channel
Website: https://www.youtube.com/user/USMINT/videos
Although binge-watching anything can be counterproductive, learning is productive and what you’ll experience when visit the Mint’s YouTube site. So, binge on! While most of the videos are just a few minutes in length, some are more involved, and address a wide range of topics. Among our favorite videos are: “Philly Mint Virtual Tour,” “Bullion Coins: Making Money Episode 6”, and “U.S. Mint Police Training.”
We invite you to check back every week to see our latest “Making the Most Of It” blog posts, right here on www.coinagemag.com. Also, we would love to hear from you about the virtual and home-based numismatic-related activities you are enjoying. Please email your suggestions to me (Antoinette Rahn, managing editor) at arahn@beckett.com.
Keep collecting, remain healthy, and stay safe!