Below is a press release issued by the Florida United Numismatists concerning the cancellation of the 2020 Summer FUN Show due to continued concerns about public health and safety amid the COVID-19 pandemic:
It is with great disappointment that the FUN board of directors is announcing Summer FUN 2020 is cancelled. The FUN board has worked hard to make this show a reality, desperately wanting to provide a venue for our dealers to get back to what they love and have our numismatic community be able to convene again. However, it has become clear that the “cons” far outweigh the “pros” at this point in time.
First and foremost is the concern for the health and well-being of our dealers, our service providers, and our public attendees. There are currently many concerns and also many unknowns about how things will be in early July. The FUN board voted and approved the purchase of masks and hand sanitizer for our attendees, but there was still apprehension about being able to keep everyone safe with some level of social distancing and other safety measures.
“Our auction partner, Heritage Auctions, has endorsed this decision and has graciously agreed to transfer the Summer FUN auction consignments to their upcoming official auction of the ANA in Pittsburgh August 3-8,” said FUN President Bob Hurst.
“We understand and fully endorse the decision of the FUN organization,” remarked Chief Executive Officer of Heritage Auctions Steve Ivy. “The safety and health of the numismatic community is the first and foremost consideration. Heritage Auctions and its entire staff look forward to the upcoming FUN Show and auction in January with even more anticipation than normal.”
Our clubs are unable to get their members to commit to attend the show and are cancelling their FUN-sponsored club buses. We believe this is a good indicator that the public is not yet comfortable attending a convention.
If you booked a hotel reservation through FUN’s official housing bureau, your reservation will automatically be cancelled.
FUN deeply regrets disappointing many people, but we look forward to better days ahead and a hugely successful show in January 2021. Thank you for your patience and understanding as we navigate these unprecedented situations.