The Autumn 2020 Coin Market: What Lay Ahead

1856 Flying Eagle Cent

With the Labor Day holiday now behind us, the United States unofficially enters the fall season — retail now looks ahead to the Christmastime holiday shopping season, while many collectors begin retreating indoors as the weather gets cooler and families and friends start sharing the end-of-year holidays together. What does this signal for the coin market? It might mean something entirely unusual in the era of COVID-19.

The year has already been anomalous as it is, with virtually all major shows cancelled and bricks-and-mortar coin shops either closed or operating on a series of restrictions. But as many safer-at-home orders begin easing as the months continue, we could see increased buying activity over the autumn, perhaps helping many dealers to end the year on good terms with their ledger books.

As with any year, the holidays are a time of giving. And collectors will hopefully be out (or online!) in droves buying numismatic gifts for family and friends who also enjoy the hobby. Perhaps more family time together has also meant more formerly non-collecting spouses, children, and grandchildren have joined in on the numismatic fun. Indeed, many coin dealers have reported upticks in new collectors — or old ones coming back — as they’ve had more time at home.

Meanwhile, some coin clubs are beginning to meet in person, though the bulk have continued hosting virtual meetings. Small coin shows have been happening, and perhaps more may occur as host organizations adapt to COVID-19 health and safety protocols at these shows. The next big event that many collectors and dealers can still put on their calendars is the Florida United Numismatists 2021 Show, which will be held January 7-10, 2021.


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