By Maggie Judkins

Editorial Director
Whew! It has been a week since the American Numismatic Association’s annual World’s Fair of Money and, I have to say, my head is still spinning.

This wasn’t my first time at the ANA, but this year’s Philadelphia show was no less dazzling and impressive. Attendees had the chance to check out:
- Upwards of 350 coin and paper money booths
- World-class competitive money exhibits
- A billion-dollar Museum Showcase Display featuring:
- 1943 bronze cent
- 1913 Liberty Head nickel
- 1861 Confederate half dollar
- Rittenhouse 1792 half disme
- 1861 Paquet gold $20
- A “homecoming” of stunning Pennsylvania paper money
- United States Mint and Bureau of Engraving and Printing booths and attendance of Mint Director David Ryder and BEP Director Len Olijar
- Educational seminars, workshops, and family-friendly events
- A whole host of club and organization meetings and events
- “Mint Promenade” featuring mints from around the world with representation from Australia, Austria, British Territories, Canada, China, and Ukraine
- Record-setting auctions from Stack’s Bowers and Heritage Auctions.
Wow. Where else can you take in all of that hobby action in one place? It’s hard not to truly feel like part of the collecting community and part of something so much larger than yourself.
Apart from meeting up with old hobby friends and mingling with new folks in the industry, an ANA highlight for me was COINage receiving the Numismatic Literary Guild’s 2018 award for Best Periodical. What an honor. During the NLG banquet, held on Thursday evening, August 16, tribute was also paid to the late Ed Reiter, who many of you know was the heart and soul of COINage magazine in his longtime role as senior editor.
It reminded me that COINage rests on a solid foundation built by a man who truly cared about this hobby of coin collecting and bringing factual and interesting content to his readers. I consider myself lucky to be in a position to, in some small way, carry that torch into the future. I don’t take this job lightly, and no matter where the road ahead takes COINage, we have Mr. Reiter to thank for bringing it so very far in his 32 years with the magazine.
Were you at the ANA convention? What were the highlights for you? Leave a comment or send me an email at mjudkins@beckett.com.